CUTLET MAKER FOR SALE – We are offering purchase ATM Malware “CUTLET MAKER 1.2F”* It is ATM JACKPOTTING Malware. Most popular and effective ATM Jackpotting malware. Works with all Wincor Nixdorf ATM`s.
The CUTLET MAKER 1.2 F allow you get out all money from ATM. Ordering this Malware you will get 3 files.
1- To check The ATM balance in the 4 cassette
2 – To make the ATM cash out all the money
3 – A software to calculate the code from the program 2, in the software to interface you have a code, you will need to enter that code in the software 3 and the software number 3 will give you a answer. Enter that code in the software 2 interface and press the button. After that all money will start come out.
You will get full step by step manual with software, video instruction + we will offer 24/7 live telegram support in case of you have any questions.
Software is user friendly and you don`t need special skills to operate with it.
What you need purchase additional before start work.
1) USB Cable – Male to Female
3) Flash Dive up to 2GB
4) Wireless Keyboard (We recommend brand Logitech)
5) RJ45 to USB
Software is working Worldwide, it is possible to use in any Country. It works with any Wincor ATM.
Everything you need is find and connect to ATM USB Port or RJ 45 Internet cable. ATM Anti Virus sitem will not detect software, because it is built in similar way as ATM original soft and ATM “think” that is part of their own system. To placeorder contact us by e-mail. You can purchase and get Malware instantly. We accept only Bitcoin.
How it works?
Prepare an all tools, all the programs should be placed on a flash disk.
Tools are wireless keyboard, usb hub, usb cable, usb adapter usb a female to b female, Windows 7 laptop or a tablet ( to run code generator) and a drill.
Find an appropriate ATM
Open ATM door and plug into USB port.
Execute Stimulator to see full information of all the ATM cassettes.
Execute CUTLET MAKER to get it is code.
Execute password generator on a tablet or on a laptop and paste CUTLET MAKER code to it, put the result password to CUTLET MAKER.
Dispense the money from chosen cassette.